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Spicy Baked Chicken and Rice
Ave. Rating is 4 (4 ratings) Add Your Comments and Ratings

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We make this regularly since everyone that's ever tried it has loved it. It has all the flavors we're accustomed to thanks to the wonderful spice mixture. The rice is particularly good infused with the spices and the chicken flavors. I haven't changed this recipe much from the original as I learned it. Over the years I have added more chicken and less water (I'm down to 3 cups) and I usually double the recipe because it's great for leftovers as well. You can also serve it garnished with cilantro, but I usually forget and it still tastes great!

Serves: 4-5

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Sephardic Meat Entree

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One whole cut-up chicken (3-4 lbs)
1 onion, chopped
1 1/2 cups brown rice
2 tbl vegetable oil (though I sometimes use extra virgin olive oil)
3 cups cold water

For the spice mixture:
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
2 tsp coriander
2 tsp cumin
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp paprika


  1. Saute the onions in oil until lightly brown
  2. Mix the onions and rice in one layer in a shallow baking dish.
  3. Add half of the spice mixture to the cold water and add the salt. Pour mixture slowly over the rice and onions.
  4. Add the chicken pieces to the baking dish and rub the remaining spices onto the chicken. (If you want to more evenly coat the chicken with spices, switch steps 3 and 4).
  5. Bake uncovered for at 375 degrees (F) for 90 minutes (varies depending on your oven, mine takes a bit long). Since the the brown rices cooks more slowly than white rice, it should be ready at the same time as the chicken, and all the water should be absorbed.

Reader Comments

Zander says...
Rating is 5

One of my favorites!
Sep 8, 2018 (report abuse)

b says...
Rating is

sounds wonderful
Nov 22, 2008 (report abuse)

anonymous says...
Rating is

We enjoyed this dish. We loved all the spices. It was better the first day though then for leftovers.
Nov 16, 2008 (report abuse)

tessa says...
Rating is 1

i wanna try this recipe!
Mar 24, 2012 (report abuse)

anonymous says...
Rating is 5

Love this recipe!
Aug 26, 2008 (report abuse)

Elliot says...
Rating is 5

Still a great recipe!
Apr 24, 2020 (report abuse)



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